Friday, June 17, 2011

Shaylene receives the “Rookie of the Year” award in Golf

Today, Teri and I went to Paradise Hill School for the sports awards.

Shaylene received an award in Golf “Rookie of the Year”


Canada Geese and the goslings on the way for morning tea at Shannon’s home.


Shannon, Teri and Bandit. Bandit is Shannon’s new horse.


I worked on the blog and have posted up to Feb. 23rd

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Teri

My good wife is having anouther anniversary of her 49th birthday.

We had the Imhoffs over (Kevin is down south waterskiing) and Teri’s adopted mother Thel (I bought the drug store from Thel in 1985)


Helpers to blow out the candles
