Last night Shelby our youngest granddaughter asked if we would help ‘Flat Stanley’ travel for a grade 2 project.
Shelby e-mailed us this letter
I am writing to you from my Grade 2 classroom at Paradise
Hill School. My teacher's name is Mrs. Squair. She read us a very funny
book called Flat Stanley. This book is about a young boy who becomes
flattened from a bulletin board falling on him during the night. When
Stanley is flat, his family realizes how easy and cheap it is for Flat Stanley
to travel. They can just put him in the mail !
We each made a Flat Stanley, and chose someone to send him to.
Please show Stanley around your town, but don't forget to send him back to
me by the end of May!
Please write a letter and send pictures or mementos of Stanley's
adventures in your community that you think would be interesting to my
class and I.
Thank you so much for your help with this project!
This morning ‘Flat Stanley’ arrived in the inbox of my e-mail. This is part of Flat Stanley’s ADVENTURE.

We printed Flat Stanley out then took him to Staples so he could grow and get a raincoat. Then we had a milkshake and hung around the campsite watching Teri play with stained glass.
More Blue pics

Blue is getting as long as a broom. Notice how the best toys do NOT come from the pet store.